Monica's Elemental Dimension


CHARACTER: Kai Vhail Hertwin (I think it's the blondie in the comic? I'm not sure!!)

COMMENTS: XDD Thank you again for fixing your background! XPPP. Okay,
I'm really sorry if the blondie in your comic actually isn't Kai...
I had a very _limited_ amount of resources to draw from (when i began,
I actually only had the head shot from the character page) so I'm sorry
if it doesn't look like him at all. I also don't know what your 10
elements are. (Effey knows of only knows of Lightning, Fire, Ice, Water,
Earth, Wind...six. Does Hastaga,Slowga,Curaga and Death count? XP) So I
just kinda used something cool looking from a free material site. -.-;
Yeah, I got tired of drawing full body shots, so I decided to do a head
shot! (>> all my art people's bodies look the same anyways!!) ^^;;;
I was trying to go with a Modoru Motoni style this time, but failed...
that's probably why the eyelashes look funny.

BAD ART-ness: Uh--The coloring on the hair is absolutely horrible...the
clothing looks slightly better in my opinion, though the top of the
shirt/collar looks really really bad...and also, the coloring has a
lot of inconsistant/uneven parts. But the worst is the hand/glove
(the coloring, and proportion, and position is bad.) And the color of the
"element" thing is kinda off (supposed to match shirt XD!) I like the lips
even though they are too pink, and make him look really really girly...Oh!
there isn't enough shadin on the right side of the face either...makes the
lighting look inconsistant...and I should have colored the jacket. I was
*trying* to get a mysterious look in the beginning when I colored it in
like that...but halfway through, I changed my mind. SORRY! ^^;;; I hope
you don't give up MAX because of my bad bad artwork!!


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