

1.)     Mana: First Jrocker we saw ^^

2.)    Alucard: >> When I first saw her, I thought she was Gackt...well Gackts worn the outfit in Mizerable...haha but then I remembered Alucard hehe.

3.)    Malice Mizer: The Mana was really really good!

4.)    Toshiya: Cant really see her...oh well...She was the 2nd Toshiya that morning I saw.

5.)    Kurapika Fan: Real chains...O.o

6.)    Full Moon wo Sagashite V1: >> never saw full moon...

7.)    Full Moon wo Sagashite V2: She made the costume herself...

8.)    Dib: hehe I just thought itd be great to have dib in here XDD

9.)    Random Group: The one in the middle in WolfWood and thats all I know (last time I heard from her, she was dating the Improv group head dude...)(they go to my school...haha I saw the angel chic, and Im like I need a pic of you!Ethen I realize that I know them XDDDD....oh and I FINALLY remembered the girl on the lefts name...I swear, Im gonna accidentally call her Gabriel one of these days.)

10.) Angel 1: Yeah, thats the angel.

11.)  Angel 2: I found out that they sold the dress at Hot Topic >>

12.) Meijin Cross dresser: XDDD He was so funny!!

13.) Lulu: Definitely the best Lulu I. Really looks like Miyabi, ne?

14.) Cyberland Kami: Yeah, we were just walking past, and Im like OH MY GOD! KAMI!!!E Rii-chans like WHERE?!Ehehe so yeah.

15.) Yaoi Cat Boy: ;-; hes fuzzy here...haha, I met him later on in the convention while going up the escalator and hes holding a sign Will do Yaoi for $$$$$E hehe.

16.) Mad Hatter and Cheshire Cat: *shrug*

17.) Mad Hatter Belial 1: This guy is so scary-cool!...I THINK he was belial...might not have been tho.

18.) Guilty Gear: We couldnt figure out who he was...but he was cool...took me a helluva time to figure out how to fit the entire sword into the pic.

19.) Kuma Ryuuichi: hehe Bunny-suit Ryuu-chan!

20.)Card Captor Sakura Card Group: Really pretty outfits!

21.) Red Kyo: SHE TOOK 4-5 MONTHS JUST SEWING THAT DESIGN!!! Wow...she was the best Kyo (die in bg!)

22.)Die: apparently her name is crystal...anyway...yeah, haha I was taking a pic of her and then this dude comes up, asking red kyo and die for a pic, and then redkyos like yeah, our kaoru is lost somewhere back there.ESo Im kidding and is like Ill substitute!Eso then dies like well...Im kinda a fan of Kaoru X Die...Eso yeah...haha the little crowd taking the picture seemed happy. (the first camera dude: Oh, even better!E

23.)Hinoto: >> My mom thinks she has Parkinsons disease.

24.)Jrocker 1: *shrug* looks cool.

25.)Concert Ryuuichi: hehe he looked happy. ^^

26.)Unknown 1: I liked the pin-dress and wings.

27.)Kamui and Angel: Yes, them two again.

28.)Mad Hatter Belial 2: another...not as cool as the first one, but cool anyway.

29.)Cool Boots Chic: Dont you like her boots? >> You cant really see in the pic, but there are lots of belts.

30.)Mana 2: I wonder where she got her boots? >>

31.) Kyo 1: I like her far, everyone has liked it too.

32.)Angel 3: Im guessing hes like Setsuna or someone like that...

33.)Rosiel: Its pretty!

34.)Uknown 2: >> no clue who they are.

35.)Subaru, Seishirou: AzN Mafia!EXDDD (said by Eu-eu) Seishirou gave me a flower ^^

36.)Jrockers 2: They were cool.

37.)Watari: Took us like 5 minutes, running down the hall and screaming WATARIEto finally get her attention (haha apparently she did Kotori the 2nd day...from X)

38.)Muraki-chic: Right after the pic, along comes Muraki-chic and Im still like YAMI MATSU!!! YAHHH!!!E(I look mysterious!E~Muraki chic.)

39.)Yami no Matsuei group (-Tatsumi): >> Yeah, the Watari wasnt part of their group, but I forced her in anyways. I dont think the Hisoka liked us...either that or she did a great job portraying Hisoka ^^;

40.)Mandarin Skirt Cross Dresser: XDDD

41.) Fanged Cat Boy: Yah...I forced him to open his mouth cuz of his fangs. ^^

42.)Sailor Moon Girl and Caped Lady: I liked the ladys cape...oh well...cant really see.

43.)Angel 4: Nice wings, ne?

44.)Black Chobits: haha they looked like jrockers so yeah.

45.)Kyo 2: The Kyo mannequin pose thing!

46.)Angel 5: Probably from Angel Sanct.




47.)Uknown 3: Testing my camera.

48.)Merveilles Kami: There's a pic of her on like every website...I think it's cuz of the wings ^^

49.)Gackt hand-thing: Hehe. The best Gackt I saw (she sings and dances to Bel Air too ^^)

50.)Kyo 3: Another Kyo Mannequin pose...hehe I actually really liked this Kyo.

51.) Psycho le Cemu (Red Kyo, Day 2): I think she won something for this costume...She reminded me of Edea of FF8 with the big sword-back things ^^;;;;;;

52.)Due le Quartz: Whee!

53.)Kyo 4: She was nice. I fixed her makeup...>>

54.)K-sama and Shuuichi: They were sitting around the corner of the J-rocker cosplay meeting-type thing, having lunch XD

55.)Miyabi: Look cool, neeee?

56.)Mana 3: Lotsa makeup...I wonder how long it took.

57.)Miyabi Donut-chic: She was really funny...later on, she was taking pictures of Kyo-kaoru and random Korean dude and cat boy XDDD. (she lost her lipring later on in the trash because she threw away the donut)

58.)Bel air Mana, Due le Quartz chic: Look at the chains...

59.)Kyo 5a: Wah! Scary-flexable-ness!

60.)Kyo5b: Hehe I wanted her to randomly stick out her tongue in an evil Kyo pose haha.

61.) Bel air Kozi: ....hehe

62.)Klaha, Kozi: Lookit the hair!

63.)Toshiya, Kyo: It's the funny kyo-kaoru...Yes, we know so because of the toshiya ^^

64.)Mad Hatter Belial3: Another one! yay

65.)Kaoru: Practically the only other Kaoru I saw.

66.)Bel air/Singing Gackt: Right after making fun of the Morning Masume chics, Bel Air played, we screamed, and I ran off to find Kami and Gackt and it was fun cuz we're all standing at the side, being loud with Gackt dancing. People looked at us funny XDDD. Right after the song, we all jumped Gackt....i think someone took a photo o.o

67.)Tohma and Concert Ryuuichi: This ryuu-chan isn't happy ;-; but Tohma is ^^

68.)Angel 6: I think this is Gabriel...I'm not really sure...but I know she's from Angel Sanct.

69.)Guy Dejiko: XDDDDD

70.)Toshiya 2: She had a cool outfit...and I liked her hair.

71.) KOF (Kyo): I thought this was DeG Kyo....haha turns out that it's King of Fighters least I called her by the right name XDDDDD

72.)Shuuichi: Hehe...there were so many. On the first day, I ran outta film when I met the first shuu-chan, I cry, and then we hugged ^^;

73.)Zafkiel: Hehe I recognized Zafkiel...I love Zafkiel he's so funny! (To setsuna..."You seem sad...It's because you fell in love with someone you shouldn't I right?" Setsu: "....." Zaf: "That's alright, there are MANY homosexuals these days!!" Setsuna then gets pissed and screams about not being gay. XDD)

74.)Angel Sanctuary: After I took a picture, all these guys came up and starting taking pictures too so yeah. Didn't get to have much of a conversation .

75.)Great Sign Boy: "Touch me in a bad way. Yes! >_<"

76.)Snape (NIN Poster): We ran across, I think Rii-chan noticed the poster, but yes, we agreed that Trent Reznor looks like Snape here (haha Ozzy right below.)

77.)Angel 7: More Angel Sanct.

78.)Kyo, Kaoru: I saw them before but y'know. Yeah.

79.)Sai, Shinkohyou: Cool characters!! Neeeee (I must go finish watching Houshin Engi now.....)

80.)Cool Outfit Girl a: It not only looked cool on the front...

81.) Cool Outfit Girl b: It looked even better on the back.

82.)Unknown4: I found out that she's Chii...I think from alichino??

83.)Unknown5: I don't best guess is Cry...but I have no clue! (sorry!)

84.)Mad Hatter Belial4: Yes, another hanging around the artist place.

85.)Guy Lulu: XDD

86.)Goth Vash: He was so cool. (He's holding a Vash under her arm if you can't see.)

87.)Unknown 6: I saw pictures of them on another website.....not sure who they are.

88.)Yohji: *shrug* we were going outta the artist place and yea. (>> how many guys do you see cosplaying weiss??)

89.)Yohji, Omi: Omi came along.

90.)Fallen Angel Boy: He was really cool...apparently, he just randomly dressed up for the hell of it. I ran up to him, and is all like "I need a picture of you!" He's like "Wait...I must get on the floor and look depressed because I'm a Fallen angel." Yes, and gets on the floor. Haha he actually looks like someone that'd be from Angel Sanctuary XDDDD (especially with the shiny pants and fishnets and funky belt....)

91.) Random Korean Boy: Shampii's mom was having a talk with us about the time that cosplay thing started...we weren't really paying attention...Julia sees this Korean boy pass by, pokes me, and is like "hey, isn't hey hot?" Shanpyuu's mom is still going on and on. We kinda run off towards him. We're all like "we need a photo of you cuz you're cool." He's hiding behind that sprite bottle, all like "I'm not even in a costume!" after five minutes, we finally get a photo, and run back. Shanpyuu's mom is still talking.

92.)Yaoi Kyo-Kaoru and Random Dude: We walked upstairs afterwards, and we see Donut Miyabi taking pictures of the two posing, and I run up with my camera and start taking photos (of course I realize that I'm running out of film) Miyabi's running in circles, taking pictures from every direction.

93.)Kyo-Kaoru, Dude, Yaoi Cat Boy pose: Yaoi Cat Boy runs up and starts posing...Miyabi is still clicking away...I take a picture and the camera starts making yeah, I realize that's bad.

94.)Yaoi Kyo and Random Dude on Floor: I steal Shanpii's mom's camera and I really didn't wanna waste her film, so I took a totle of three pictures including this one. The other two kinda died.

